Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Madness

Okay just to clarify, this blog has nothing to do with that we have that clear...

It's March 1st. Just a few short months ago I finished my masters degree. I told myself back then that it would realistically take a couple of months to find a job. In the midst of the search I frequently lose sight of that reality and become obsessed with my state of employment. I DO have a job, two of them actually. The problem is neither is the job I want. I want a full-time job that pays a livable salary, and I want benefits.

I knew that the super-saturated Seattle library job market would be hard, but I guess I didn't quite realize how hard. So now, despite any previous statements otherwise, I've taken my search on the road and started accepting that my dream job may not be here. It's really scary to think about moving away, but if I find the right position, I'll go.

So what does this have to do with March madness? My couple of months of searching have passed without offering up the position of my dreams and it's starting to make me a little crazy. It's hard for me to get happy, it's hard for me to be optimistic. I just have to remind myself that it's out there; it just may not come in the time line I had hoped for. I also have to remember that I have a lot to be thankful for right now: a roof over my head, a warm bed at night, and the love of my life. Not really so bad in the long run.

Spring is coming, don't let the winter blues get you.

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